Saturday, September 11, 2010

Stupid me. I've screwed up again. It doesn't really matter how, it's just another obstacle in my path. What I should have done and what I did are two entirely different things. I think if I ever woke up and had a day that was normal and easy I would have a heart attack at the end of it just from pure shock. I wish I could shut my mind off. It is easier to exist if you don't attach yourself to others. Probably the reason I have so many books. Why can't he see what I see?

1 comment:

  1. We are not infallible,
    But are susceptible
    To the unreasonable

    Try not to take things so much to heart, and try and take positives from negatives when and where you can: a good example of this is learn from your mistakes!

    I will follow your blog to alleviate some of your literary distress of 'why bother'. Keep writing.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.
